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Writer's pictureKevin

You know you're a writer when...

- Your mum says "Why are you using American spelling, when you're British!?" - but you no longer worry about that, you just keep on writing anyway.

- You re-read what you wrote last week: it's pretty bad, but you fix it and just keep on writing anyway.

- You wonder if anyone will ever read what you've written, but you just keep on writing anyway.

- You know you're supposed to know who your audience are, but you don't, and you just keep on writing anyway.

- Someone gives you a 'low-score' review, and you want to ask them 'why?' but you don't know who they are, so you just keep on writing anyway (and maybe you don't really want to ask...).

- Someone gives you a 'high-score' review, and you want to personally thank that person, but you don't know who they are - so you just keep on writing anyway.

- You just keep on writing, anyway.

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